The Varian iX clinical linear accelerator (CLINAC) is a machine used for cancer radiotherapy. The CLINAC was installed as part of an $8.5 million investment by Varian Medical Systems. It has principal modes of 6 MeV and 18 MeV for photons, and five electron modes up to 22 MeV. The accelerator vault is rated to shield up to 24 MeV photons, and was designed in accordance with NCRP 151. It has on-board cone beam CT (CBCT) imaging.
Though the RSEL CLINAC is not used to treat patients, the room it’s housed in is set up like a typical treatment room. This includes a treatment couch and various accessories such as wedges and electron cones. The CLINAC is utilized to perform labs in Radiation Therapy Physics Lab (MP6204) and for research projects.